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Thank you so much for getting this far in the order process and considering a purchase with me here at Jump Creek Flies.  I appreciate the opportunity!  I do want everyone aware before hitting that purchase button a little about the process if you are purchasing some of our flies that are tied in house.  I tie most of these up at the time of order, so shipping time can vary depending on current outstanding orders, and order size.  That being said I do strive to get all orders out as soon as I possibly can and accommodate, as best as possible, for any upcoming trips you may need them for.  If you have any questions about current lead times for fly orders or want to check if it's possible to finish an order before a certain date PLEASE DO reach out by phone or text at 208-863-2105, or email at

All other orders that do not include house tied flies will usually ship within 24 hours of the time of order!
Thank you for stopping by!

Benji Sorenson
Jump Creek Flies


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